• Simone Francesco Fornasari, Deniz Ertuncay, Giovanni Costa; Seismic background noise levels in the Italian strong-motion network. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 2023, 23.10: 3219-3234. doi: 10.5194/nhess-23-3219-2023


  • Simone Francesco Fornasari, Veronica Pazzi, Giovanni Costa; A Machine‐Learning Approach for the Reconstruction of Ground‐Shaking Fields in Real Time. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 2022; doi: 10.1785/0120220034
  • Costa, Giovanni, Piero Brondi, Laura Cataldi, Stefano Cirilli, Arianna Cuius, Deniz Ertuncay, Piero Falconer, Luisa Filippi, Simone Francesco Fornasari, Veronica Pazzi, and Philippe Turpaud. 2022. “Near-Real-Time Strong Motion Acquisition at National Scale and Automatic Analysis” Sensors 22, 15: 5699. doi: 10.3390/s22155699